Bid/Tender Awarded
S.No | Order/Contract No. | Date | Product/Work Description | Quality Supplied | Name of Supplier/Party | Amount(Rs) | Type |
1 | CPPRI/Pur/60/SPPM/18-19 | 21-12-2018 | Maint. Of Lab Equipment |
01 | M. K. Enterprises | 71626 | Committee |
2 | CPPRI/Estate/10/19-20 | 02-04-2020 | Polished of furniture G house |
00 | Kishan Singh Negi | 120832 | Committee |
3 | CPPRI/P/M/22/18 | 26-12-2018 | Maint. Of Quarter |
N/A | M. K. Enterprises | 38772 | Committee |
4 | CPPRI/EMD/RSCDCPPAI (Cont. Education) Training Prog/18-19 | 05-07-2019 | Catering arrangement for Trg prog |
00 | Jagdamba Catters | 140120 | Committee |
5 | CPPRI/Pur/2/Lab Coat/19-20 | 01-05-2019 | Lab Coat |
64 | Shatakshi Uniform Shoppe | 37120 | Committee |
6 | CPPRI/Estate/10/19-20/ | 02-04-2020 | White washing of Guest house Ist Block |
N/A | Kishan Singh Negi | 212660 | Committee |
7 | CPPRI/EMD/RSCDCPPAI (Cont. Edu) Training Prog/2018-19 (Cont. Edu) Training Prog/2018-19 | 05-12-2018 | Pur. Of Bags |
100 | Shri Sai ram Enterprises | 57820 | Committee |
8 | CPPRI/Estate/2018-19 Renovation of Auditorium | 10-12-2018 | Maint. Of Auditorium Curtain & Chair |
N/A | M. K. Enterprises | 256815 | Committee |
9 | CPPRI/Abhi/PKG/Colony Tubewell Room/2018-19 | 24-09-2018 | Construction of Pump House |
N/A | Quantus Contractor & Suppliers | 240893 | Committee |
10 | CPPRI/Estate-white wash (D Type)/2020-21 | 20-07-2020 | White washing D Type Quarter |
N/A | M/s Tapesh Mamgain | 115585 | Committee |
11 | CPPRI/EMD/RSCDCPPAI (Cont. Edu) Training Prog/2018-19 | 06-02-2019 | Pur. Of Bags |
100 | Shri Sai ram Enterprises | 57820 | Committee |
12 | CPPRI/Estate/Disp Board/14/18-19 | 15-05-2019 | Glow Singn Board |
N/A | Ahsan Ali | 54320 | Committee |
13 | CPPRI/Estate/Repair/18-19 | 20-12-2018 | Whitewash of Guest House |
N/A | Krishan Singh Negi | 177027 | Committee |
14 | 102/CPPRI/19-20/Abhi/Boiler | 20-07-2020 | Boiler |
N/A | M/s. SD Engineering, Near Pant Vihar Colony, I.T.C. Road Saharanpur | 56640 | Committee |
15 | 305/CPPRI/Abhiyantriki/PKG/UP11BE-7879/208-19-2019-20 | 12-02-2020 | Purchase of Tyre |
08 | Shakti tyre | 39200 | Committee |
16 | 102/CPPRI/19-20/Abhi/Boiler/ | 20-07-2020 | Boiler |
N/A | M/s. SD Engineering, Near Pant Vihar Colony, I.T.C. Road Saharanpur | 56640 | Committee |
17 | CPPRI/Estate/Director Bunglow/18-19. | 28-01-2019 | Maint. Charges Main gate Guard Room |
00 | Ahsan Ilahi | 99170 | Committee |
18 | CPPRI/Pur/82/Director Sect/18-19 | 24-05-2019 | Fixing of Carpet at Dircetor Office |
N/A | Tapesh Mamgain | 217347 | Committee |
19 | CPPRI/P/M/9/18 | 21-12-2018 | pur. Of Furniture |
00 | Manku Furniture | 33630 | Committee |
20 | CPPRi/Lib/AR/2017-18 | 11-07-2019 | Printing & Designing charges (Annual Report) |
00 | Electric Press | 269501 | Committee |
21 | CPPRI/Estate/Whitewash of Entrance Area/17/19-20 | 24-04-2019 | Building Painting |
N/A | Surya Enterprises | 196971 | Committee |
22 | PPRI/CRBD/RSC-DCPPAI-Training/2019-20/01 | 14-01-2020 | Bags |
65 | Bag Centre | 40625 | Committee |
23 | CPPRI/Pur/39/Repairing/B. Wall/18-19 | 31-08-2018 | Repairing of Boundry Wall |
00 | S S Engineering | 238336 | Committee |
24 | CPPRI/Lib/AR/2017-18/ | 20-12-2018 | Print of Annual Report |
N/A | Samaya Sakshaya | 175087 | Committee |
25 | CPPRI/Pur/Lab Coat/19-20 | 15-05-2019 | Lab Coat |
12 | Shatakshi Uniform Shoppe | 6960 | Committee |
26 | 102/CPPRI/19-20/Abhi/Boiler/1659 | 03-09-2020 | Boiler |
N/A | M/s. SD Engineering, Near Pant Vihar Colony, I.T.C. Road, Saharanpur | 81420 | Committee |
27 | CPPRI/Engg/ CCTV Camera/2017-18 | 12-09-2018 | Pur. Of Camera and Cable |
00 | D. S. Infosystems | 121658 | Committee |
28 | CPPRI/EMD/RSCDCPPAI (Conti Edu) | 20-12-2018 | Catering in Training |
N/A | Jagdamba Catters | 134400 | Committee |
29 | CPPRI/Pur/41/Pur. Of Items/Engg & Maint. DI/2019-20 | 27-02-2020 | pur. Of Speaker. Mike |
00 | Gramophone & Musical House | 87135 | Committee |
30 | CPPRI/Pur/62/Guesthouse/19-20 | 19-02-2020 | Carpet work of G House |
00 | Tapesh Mamgain | 173633 | Committee |
31 | CPPRI/Pur/52/EMD/Ind items/18-19 | 29-03-2019 | Pur. Of AC |
00 | National Electronics | 42900 | Committee |
32 | CPPRI/Estate/Director Bunglow/18-19/1 | 01-09-2019 | Door Polishing & Repairing Work |
00 | Annu Verma | 195614 | Committee |
33 | CPPRI/Pr/18/Misc items/18-19 | 19-07-2018 | Pur. Of Vaccum Cleaner |
01 | Super Traders India | 18117.00 | Committee |
34 | 331/ CPPRI/Abhiyantriki/PKG/General/2018-19 | 25-09-2018 | Maint. Of Building |
00 | S S Engineering | 109200 | Committee |
35 | CPPRI/Estate/Whitewash/Labs | 14-01-2019 | Whitewash Paint |
N/A | M. K. Enterprises | 170240 | Committee |
36 | CPPRI/Pur/7/Office Stationery/18-19 | 16-07-2018 | Pur. Of Letter Head |
00 | Deepak Printing Press | 53032 | Committee |
37 | 102/CPPRI/Abhi/Boiler/19-20 | 16-07-2019 | Boiler Testing |
N/A | Pressure and Process Bollers Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | Committee |
38 | CPPRI/EMD/RSCDCPPAI(Cont. Edu) Trag priog/2018-19 | 18-07-2019 | Bags |
50 | Shri Sai Ram enterprises | 28910 | Committee |
39 | Architech Services | 05-04-2019 | Architech Services |
N/A | Disha Associate | 120832 | Committee |
40 | CPPRI/Estate(6)/18-19 | 12-02-2019 | Painting Wall Chair & Material labour |
00 | Surya Enterprises | 81200 | Committee |
41 | CPPRI/Estate/Director Bunglow/18-19- | 11-03-2019 | pur. Of Furniture |
00 | V. K. Steel Furniture | 239776 | Committee |
42 | CPPRI/CRBD/RSC-DCPPAI-Training/2019-20/01 | 03-12-2020 | for training Prog |
00 | Solitaire Inn | 131216 | Committee |
43 | CPPRI/Pur/60/EMD/Calibration/2019-20/643 | 20-06-2020 | Calibration |
N/A | M/s. R-Initiative Enterprises, Distt. Faridabad, Haryana | 35872 | Committee |
44 | CPPRI/Estate/Director Bunglow/18-19/ | 11-03-2019 | Repair. Of Furniture |
00 | V. K. Steel Furniture | 48720 | Committee |
45 | CPPRI/Abhi/PKG/Electrical Equipment/2019-20 | 11-07-2019 | Layout Plan for 400 KVA Substation |
00 | Khushi Engineer | 59000 | Committee |
46 | CPPRI/Estate/Maint./3/19-20 | 13-02-2020 | Maintenance |
00 | Kishan Singh Negi | 170643 | Committee |
47 | CPPRI/Pur/24/LED TV/17-18 | 24-09-2018 | Pur. Of Camera |
00 | D. S. Infosystems | 182096 | Committee |
48 | 231/CPPRI/Engg/Maint/BPS/Routine Maint/17-18 | 03-01-2019 | Pur. Of New Door Curtain Pipe |
00 | Annu Verma | 41440 | Committee |
49 | CPPRI/Estate/Whitewash /13/18-19 | 15-05-2019 | Refixing of PVC Tiles |
N/A | Annu Verma | 31360 | Committee |
50 | CPPRI/Estate/Director Bunglow/18-19 | 28-01-2019 | Pur. Of Curtain |
00 | Janta Home Furnishing | 177810 | Committee |
51 | CPPRI/Pur/15/Misc. Items/17-18 | 24-09-2018 | Supply of Electrical Items |
00 | Classicals | 32506 | Committee |
52 | CPPRI/Engg & Maint. New Veh/RSR/02B/16-17/ | 25-01-2018 | Pur. of Accessories and Verious Exp. of New Car |
N/A | Atelier Automobiles | 105571 | Committee |
53 | CPPRI/Pur/39/Repairing/B. Wall/18-19/ | 08-02-2018 | Whitewahing of Main Boundry Wall |
00 | S S Engineering | 248640 | Committee |
54 | CPPRI/Pur/21/Repairing of Bath room /17-18 | 14-12-2017 | Repairing of Toilet |
N/A | Quantus Contractor & Suppliers | 230000 | Committee |
55 | CPPRI/Estate/Antitermite/12/18-19 | 27-08-2019 | Anti termite Treatment |
N/A | Hi-Tech Pest Control | 153958 | Committee |
56 | CPPRI/EMD/PCIV/RSC-DCPPAI/2019/142 | 21-05-2019 | Bags |
100 | Shri Sai Ram enterprises | 57820 | Committee |
57 | CPPRI/Abhiyantriki/PKG/sam/18-19 | 14-08-2018 | Supply of GI Pipe |
00 | Sindh Auto Store | 59472 | Committee |
58 | CPPRI/Pur/15/Misc. Items/17-18/ | 11-09-2018 | Supply of Electrical Items |
00 | Classicals | 93309 | Committee |
59 | CPPRI/Pur/8/Sainitary items/17-18 | 23-08-2018 | Supply od Pipe |
00 | Agarwal Sainitary Mart | 130526 | Committee |
60 | CPPRI/Abhi./PKG/Plant/19-20 | 22-07-2020 | White washing of Boiler house |
N/A | M K enterprises | 228228 | Committee |
61 | CPPRI/Estate/W.Wash/Admin Block/6/19-20 | 19-11-2019 | White washing of Admin Block & Lab |
N/A | Surya Enterprises | 159693 | Committee |
62 | CPPRI/Pur/37/Misc Purchase-PCPB/2019-20/649 | 10-10-2019 | Pur. Of Portable Steam Boiler |
01 | Cleancare Garment Machines Pvt. Ltd. | 53100 | Committee |
63 | CPPRI/PT/Dehumidifier/2018-19 | 19-05-2021 | Pur. Of Dehumidifier Model FFB-300 |
01 | Bry-Air (ASIA) Pvt. Ltd. | 175525 | Committee |
64 | GEMC-511687791744111 | 28-10-2020 | Unbranded Stainless steel Index Card Files |
50 | Rahul Office Solution, Mumbai | 7684.50 | Gem |
65 | GEMC-511687780303817 | 28-10-2020 | Dabur New HDPE Can 5000 ml. Liquid Hand wash |
04 | Paya Stationery and Prints- Mumbai | 2287.60 | Gem |
66 | GEMC-511687738812859 | 16-12-2024 | MEMMERT GERMANY over 22 to 26 litre Chamber Capacity Water Baths |
1 | M/S BIONIXS INDIA | 370000.00 | Gem |
67 | GEMC-511687739739545 | 13-10-2020 | Cona ISI Market, 6A, 1Way Piano type Switch to IS:3854/1997 with latest amendments |
500 | R.K. Enterprises, Kanpur Nagar – Uttar Pradesh | 8100.00 | Gem |
68 | GEMC-511687729130281 | 10-01-2019 | A4 Printing Paper |
200 Paper Ream | JK Enterprises, Gautam Buddha Nagar, U.P. | 44200.00 | Gem |
69 | GEMC-511687734595500 | 03-05-2019 | 65 Ah Battery Amron |
01 | Centuary Automobiles, Kashmere gate, Delhi | 6900.00 | Gem |
70 | GEMC-511687737623166 | 03-10-2024 | EXIDE Stationary Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries 26 Ah |
16 | GALAXY POWER SERVICES | 62560 | Gem |
71 | GEMC-511687751670886 | 16-09-2020 | Add gel refill gel ink gell pen Refills. |
100 | AR Trading Company, Ghaziabad, (U.P.) | 1980.00 | Gem |
72 | GEMC-511687706892148 | 03-09-2020 | Samsung GB/GB Inch Smart Phone |
01 | Zaco Computers Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai | 23285.00 | Gem |
73 | GEMC-511687722028739 | 24-05-2018 | 380 mm Metal Body Exhaust Fan |
03 | DevnamPiyadassiBrixwell Pvt. Ltd., Begusarai, Bihar | 14760.00 | Gem |
74 | GEMC-511687739099267 | 09-10-2020 | Absolute Alcohol |
N/A | LABOAIDS, Meerut – Uttar Pradesh | 4379.80 | Gem |
75 | GEMC-511687714028614 | 18-09-2024 | LLOYD Cooling & Heating 1.5 Ton 5 Star |
76 | GEMC-511687780427526 | 28-10-2020 | Unbranded 120 GSM Non- conforming to IS mm Envelopes |
10 | Modern Stationery Mart, Meerut –(U.P.) | 3100.00 | Gem |
77 | GEMC-511687739908794 | 30-09-2020 | JK BRAND 90 GSM Notesheet (Azurelaid) |
50 | Modern Stationery Mart, Meerut – Uttar Pradesh | 4900.00 | Gem |
78 | GEMC-511687757555112 | 01-01-2019 | Visible Spectrophotometer Microprocessor based |
01 | Labtronics, Panchkula, Haryana | 45134.00 | Gem |
79 | GEMC-511687747539980 | 09-10-2020 | Zoom X Cat-6 STP for CCTV |
610 Meter | Karan Enterprises Dehradun- (U.K.) | 610 | Gem |
80 | GEMC-511687751439587 | 08-10-2024 | FISHER SCIENTIFIC Polyethylene glycol density 1.124 |
175 | AR ENTERPRISES | 63679 | Gem |
81 | GEMC-511687711006923 | 26-10-2018 | HP Laser jet pro M202DW |
05 | ECHT Tech Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd. Rohini, Delhi | 84250.00 | Gem |
82 | GEMC-511687753133749 | 19-06-2020 | Century A4/75/85/88 |
300 Paper Ream | Aradhya Enterprises, Jhansi, (U.P.) | 52797.00 | Gem |
83 | GEMC-511687757699335 | 24-05-2019 | AmarJyoti |
12 | Jai Ambe Steel Industries, Chandigarh | 45300.00 | Gem |
84 | GEMC-511687708951536 | 07-01-2025 | Tender for outsourcing of Housekeeping & Gardening Services |
27 | Bhagwati Security Services | 7064299.07 | Gem |
85 | GEMC-511687724418946 | 29-08-2018 | TDShodex Legend - 11 |
01 | Methodex Systems Pvt Ltd., Meerut, U.P. | 9085.00 | Gem |
86 | GEMC-511687722797330 | 04-06-2019 | HP 88a Black Original LaserJet Toner CC388AC |
20 | JM Enterprises, Ghaziabad, U.P. | 70200.00 | Gem |
87 | GEMC-511687733633559 | 27-12-2018 | Battery 12V 72 Ah |
02 | Poddar & Sons, Siliguri, West Bengal | 19400.00 | Gem |
88 | GEMC-511687707991055 | 11-12-2024 | HP 30A Black Laser Jet Toner Cartridge - CF230A |
6 | M/S SUNTECH INFOSOLUTIONS | 36900.00 | Gem |
89 | GEMC-511687732731749 | 16-05-2018 | Street Lights |
75 | Ashis Energy Innovation Pvt. Ltd., Delhi | 171000.00 | Gem |
90 | GEMC-511687734887833 | 16-09-2020 | Add gel pen blue |
50 | Twinkle Creation, Ludhiana –Punjab | 2205.00 | Gem |
91 | GEMC-511687795873067 | 01-08-2019 | Keptron 5.0 kVA UPS |
02 | Keptron Electronics Proprietorship, Patparganj Village, Delhi | 105396.00 | Gem |
92 | GEMC-511687721428042 | 16-12-2024 | WASTE PAPER DISINTEGRATOR (HYDRA PULPER) |
1 | M/s UNIVERSAL ENGG CORPORATION | 143960.00 | Gem |
93 | GEMC-511687730818662 | 24-05-2019 | 200 | Muskan Enterprises, Ahmedabad, Gujrat | 40600.00 | Gem | |
94 | GEMC-511687734401979 | 09-07-2018 | Wipro Garnet LED Glass Tube Lights 20W |
400 | Abundance Associates, North West Delhi | 86000.00 | Gem |
95 | GEMC-511687749989289 | 28-10-2020 | Pallav Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom salt) Packing size 1 kg. |
02 | Purvi Enterprises, Ahmedabad, Gutarat-380 0022 | 740.00 | Gem |
96 | GEMC-511687711536182 | 16-09-2020 | Kangaro Stapler with C1113N100 Stapler |
20 | JSM HR Services Private Limited, Firozabad-(U.P.) | 3840.00 | Gem |
97 | GEMC-511687768323352 | 16-10-2024 | Security Manpower Services |
1 | Paramvir Security | 9621294.12 | Gem |
98 | GEMC-511687709591816 | 06-06-2019 | GL HEX Nipple 15MM ISI |
50 | Zento Industries. | 1680.00 | Gem |
99 | GEMC-511687784893477 | 16-09-2020 | Cello Tape 1 inch 50 Meter (Tape Length) Transparent Tape |
100 | Moon Enterprises, Tower Lower Parel (W), Mumbai | 1501.00 | Gem |
100 | GEMC-511687736216866 | 24-01-2025 | Glassware |
871 | PED CREATION AND TRADERS | 765455 | Gem |
101 | GEMC-511687744777315 | 09-10-2020 | Unbranded Insulated Electrical Conduit Pipe 3 Meter |
100 | Karan Enterprises Dehradun-(U.K.) | 7500.00 | Gem |
102 | GEMC-511687732289004 | 02-09-2024 | CAUSTICIZER - PILOT PLANT |
1 | ANGELS INSTRUMENTS | 2596000 | Gem |
103 | GEMC-511687741599847 | 08-09-2020 | Potassium 1(kg) Permanganate |
01 | JK Enterprises, East- Delhi | 2448.99 | Gem |
104 | GEMC-511687785289209 | 08-09-2020 | Unbranded Parafilm 1 Role |
04 | Peari International, Bareilly, (U.P.) | 6640.00 | Gem |
105 | GEMC-511687758127020 | 30-12-2024 | Mahindra Tractor Four Wheel Drive with Engine Power 27.5 HP |
1 | SHREE SHYAM TRACTORS | 601236.00 | Gem |
106 | GEMC-511687791189991 | 16-09-2020 | Fevicol Glue Stick 15 gram |
100 | Premchand and Son’s Sagar (M.P.) | 3600.00 | Gem |
107 | GEMC-511687760300565 | 28-10-2020 | Reagle Electronic Weighing Scale brand with load capacity of 120 gm. |
01 | Jaincom, Moradabad- Uttar Pradesh | 115000.00 | Gem |
108 | GEMC-511687751536287 (Base Office) | 26-09-2018 | Exide 150 Ah Battery |
02 | Gaurav Enterprises, Burdwan, W.B. | 33000.00 | Gem |
109 | GEMC-511687757875934 | 18-03-2019 | Honda U2ST Metal & HDPE Multicolor Brush Cutter |
01 | SRS Sales Organization, Bikaner, Rajasthan | 34400.00 | Gem |
110 | GEMC-511687769459132 | 18-02-2019 | HP 78A Black Original Laserjet Toner Cartridge CE278AC |
10 | Vision Infotech, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow | 46450.00 | Gem |
111 | GEMC-511687730224911 | 07-09-2020 | Fisher Scientific Liquid Acetone 2.5 Ltr. |
01 | RC Enterprises, Meerut – Uttar Pradesh | 1350.00 | Gem |
112 | GEMC-511687725669843 | 04-10-2024 | Cole Parmer Flame Photometer with Na+ , K+ , Li+ , Ca+ , and Ba+ filters |
1 | BIOSTAC | 749880 | Gem |
113 | CPPRI/Engg & Maint. New Veh/RSR/02B/16-17 | 22-08-2017 | Pur. of New Car |
N/A | Maruti Suzuki | 582958.44 | Gem |
114 | GEMC-511687720891164 | 06-06-2019 | Bib Tap 15 mm |
50 | Yashraj Enterprises, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh | 11600.00 | Gem |
115 | GEMC-511687761649379 | 03-09-2020 | Beetel M 59 black caller id with speaker phone |
20 | Agrawal Telecom- Indore | 18800.00 | Gem |
116 | GEMC-511687773324892 | 20-05-2019 | LLOYD 1.5 Ton/4500 kCal/hr High wall Split AC 5 Star |
01 | Manish Trader, Bhilai, Chhatisgarh | 37798.00 | Gem |
117 | GEMC-511687721924126 | 28-01-2025 | Modular Work Stations (V2) |
6 | AVON FURNITURE HOUSE | 93000 | Gem |
118 | GEMC-511687791554540 | 26-07-2018 | HP 348 G4 i5-7200U 8GB 1000 GB DVD 14.0 Inch Win 10 Pro 3yrs |
04 | Call Me Services, Sambalpur, Odhisa | 208484.00 | Gem |
119 | GEMC-511687779252027 | 06-06-2019 | Brass Ball Valve |
50 | ShriGanpati Tube Compony, Secunderabad, Telangana | 10500.00 | Gem |
120 | GEMC-511687756269205 | 13-10-2020 | Cona ISI Market, 16A, 1Way Piono type Switch to IS:2845/1997 with latest amendments |
200 | OrienIfotel India, Indore – (M.P.) | 14000.00 | Gem |
121 | GEMC-511687773481823 | 29-08-2018 | AZ-01 |
04 | Methodex Systems Pvt Ltd., Meerut, U.P. | 29736.00 | Gem |
122 | GEMC- 511687707319751 | 28-12-2018 | Double beam UV VIS Spectrophotometer |
01 | ZYTECH Instruments, Allahabad, U.P. | 258065.00 | Gem |
123 | GEMC-511687765646931 | 13-06-2019 | Sandhu Door Closure (61-80 kg) |
10 | B.N. Enterprises, South Delhi, Delhi | 12500.00 | Gem |
124 | GEMC-511687785320188 | 18-02-2019 | HP 88A Black Original Laserjet Toner Cartridge CC388AC |
10 | HEEMO (India), Meerut, U.P. | 35730.00 | Gem |
125 | GEMC-511687733019818 | 31-07-2019 | HP 30A Black LaserJet Toner Cartridge CF230A |
03 | Docket Care System, Lucknow, U.P. | 11469.12 | Gem |
126 | GEMC-511687792356675 | 28-10-2020 | Century Lavender Toilet Paper Rolls 15 (generally Conforming to IS 14661:Latest to the extent applicable,10 |
200 | Systematic SRS Research Services Pvt. Ltd., South Delhi- Delhi | 10396.00 | Gem |
127 | GEMC-511687733068957/ | 05-04-2019 | Plastic Moulded Pallets |
05 | Bhupinder Trading Compony, SCO 169, Chandigarh | 18450.00 | Gem |
128 | GEMC-511687712978710 | 09-10-2020 | Secureye S-SMSF-FE 10/100 Media Convertor |
16 | Karan Enterprises Dehradun- (U.K.) | 24800.00 | Gem |
129 | GEMC-511687729373722 | 09-10-2020 | Exide Technologies 12.0 Volt Lead Acid Battery |
08 | Shweta Enterprises, Allahabad – (U.P.) | 6719.84 | Gem |
130 | GEMC-511687785796894 | 17-12-2018 | Excide 12V 7 Ah UPS Battery with buy back |
29 | Alsun Systems, Nehru place, Delhi | 16210.71 | Gem |
131 | GEMC-511687770670275 | 06-02-2025 | ELECTROSTAR 01 50 4 Aluminium Armoured cable |
100 mtr | REALTEK (INDIA) | 30400 | Gem |
132 | GEMC-511687713748109 | 25-09-2020 | HP 78A Black Original Laser Jet Toner Cartridge Class OEM |
25 | JMD Infotech Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi- South Delhi, Delhi | 114075.00 | Gem |
133 | GEMC-511687794234008 | 30-07-2020 | WD 2 TB 7200 rpm Hard Disk |
01 | Vitrag Industries, Mumbai | 5328.00 | Gem |
134 | GEMC-511687789310416 | 27-12-2018 | Battery 12V 42 Ah with buy back |
04 | Gayatree Enterprises, Dehradun, U.K. | 14880.00 | Gem |
135 | GEMC-511687739062433 | 10-09-2020 | Hikvision 3MP Bullet Camera |
12 | Karan Enterprises, Dehradun | 227988.00 | Gem |
136 | GEMC-511687794848047 | 18-03-2019 | Kisankraft KK-P768 |
01 | Om Hardware and Electricals, Jaipur, Rajasthan | 12100.00 | Gem |
137 | GEMC-511687782325488 | 19-03-2019 | CISCO Spark Room Kit Plus |
01 | Mudra Electronics Limited, New Delhi | 1017500.00 | Gem |
138 | GEMC-511687715315307 | 23-08-2018 | HP Scanjet Pro 2500 F1 Flatbed scanner – NP23 |
02 | Fast Track Infotech Services, Ahmedabad, Gujrat | 60000.00 | Gem |
139 | GEMC-511687727901463 | 07-09-2020 | MB LAB Virgin Polypropylene Snap Cap Centriguge Tubes |
5000 | Shiva Electricals and Automation, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh | 5000.0 | Gem |
140 | GEMC-511687749258896 | 21-02-2019 | LG 49L V340 Full HD TV |
02 | R P Enterprises Dehradun, Uttarakhand | 97500.00 | Gem |
141 | GEMC-511687726539452 | 14-10-2020 | N and M E2 Class Calibration Weights or Weights Sets |
01 | Gera Ventures , Delhi | 24999.00 | Gem |
142 | GEMC-511687718834833 | 31-07-2019 | 7Ah 12V SMF Battery |
08 | Cavitak Marketing Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad, Gujarat | 7056.00 | Gem |
143 | GEMC-511687701190198 | 28-10-2024 | Bench top type model Recirculating chiller, Capacity 10 Ipm |
1 | ULTIMATE TECHNOLOGIES | 332000 | Gem |
144 | GEMC-511687720050221 | 24-05-2019 | HP 304A Black Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge CC530AC |
02 | Unique Media Services, Gautam Buddha Nagar, U.P. | 15312.00 | Gem |
145 | GEMC-511687711835638 | 09-10-2020 | Unbranded Simplex Pigtails for Fiber Cable Connection length 3 m |
16 | Karan Enterprises Dehradun- (U.K.) | 4479.84 | Gem |
146 | GEMC-511687797712142 | 02-04-2019 | HP Laser jet Pro M203dn |
03 | ECHT Tech Consultancy Services Private Limited, Ghaziabad, U.P. | 57525.00 | Gem |
147 | GEMC-511687725674342 | 02-04-2019 | HP 600 G4 MT i5 Win 10P 413 V203P |
11 | ECHT Tech Consultancy Services Private Limited, Ghaziabad, U.P. | 634150.00 | Gem |
148 | GEMC-511687779860078 | 24-05-2018 | Vaccum Cleaner |
01 | Super Traders India, North Delhi, Delhi | 18117.00 | Gem |
149 | GEMC-511687702099970 | 18-10-2024 | L & T 100A 4 Pole 36 KA Molded Case Circuit Breakers |
30 | SATAKSHI TRADING COMPANY | 195000 | Gem |
150 | GEMC-511687702404794 | 08-09-2020 | Silver Nitrate 25 gm |
01 | Himalaya Scientific House, Chandigarh | 5000.00 | Gem |
151 | GEMC-511687700359320 | 05-02-2018 | Syska Best quality LED bulb – 9W |
164 | Syska LED Lights Pvt. Ltd., Pune, Maharashtra | 9510.36 | Gem |
152 | GEMC-511687785469364 | 23-01-2019 | Data Traveler USB3 16GB Pendrive |
100 | Hasmukh Jain & Co., Mumbai, Maharashtra | 22900.00 | Gem |
153 | GEMC-511687733334955 | 28-10-2020 | Camel Type B 200 Grams Paper Adhesives/Liquid Gum, |
• 30 • 100 • 60 | Samir Book Stall, Bhavnagar- Gujarat | 16201000810 | Gem |
154 | GEMC-511687722358235 | 11-12-2024 | HP 32A Original LaserJet Imaging Drum - CF232A |
6 | M/S SUNTECH INFOSOLUTIONS | 48888.00 | Gem |
155 | GEMC-511687795398091 (Base Office) | 10-12-2018 | V Guard Water Gyser |
02 | N Micro One East Delhi, Delhi | 14700.00 | Gem |
156 | GEMC-511687754866480 | 24-05-2019 | HP LaserJet Magenta Print Cartridge 304A CC533AC |
02 | Tritech Enterprises, Allahabad, U.P. | 15092.00 | Gem |
157 | GEMC-511687749312174/ | 05-04-2019 | VM V 608 BBB6 |
03 | V. M. Enterprises, Mumbai, Maharashtra | 48600.00 | Gem |
158 | GEMC-511687790781341 | 07-09-2020 | EXIDE Buy Back 12 Volt Batteries 150 Ah battery |
02 | Anshu Gupta, Shastri Nagar – Delhi | 20998.00 | Gem |
159 | GEMC-51168778387988 | 28-11-2018 | HP 240 G6 2RC06PA# ACJ with 3 Year Warranty |
04 | System Electrical and Motor Rewinding Works, Ratlam, M.P. | 215600.00 | Gem |
160 | GEMC-511687746598037 | 24-10-2024 | Milli-Q Type 1 High quality water purification system |
1 | USD ENTERPRISES | 765000.00 | Gem |
161 | GEMC-511687733180485 | 09-10-2020 | HIKVISION 4MP Bullet Camera |
24 | Karan Enterprises Dehradun- (U.K.) | 492456.00 | Gem |
162 | GEMC-511687760015137 | 04-10-2024 | Hardening Chamber |
2 | INTERSTATE ENTERPRISES | 1074000 | Gem |
163 | GEMC-511687710140823 | 18-03-2019 | Hedge Trimmer Cutter |
01 | Ashirwad Sadar Bazar, Lucknow, U.P. | 28947.00 | Gem |
164 | GEMC-511687796658880 (Base Office) | 09-08-2018 | Brace XJ |
02 | Creative Creation, Amritsar, Punjab | 32880.00 | Gem |
165 | GEMC-511687778189877 | 24-05-2019 | HP LaserJet Cyan Print Cartridge 304A CC531AC |
02 | Sun Corporation, Kanpur Nagar, U.P. | 15092.00 | Gem |
166 | GEMC-511687752080595 | 16-12-2024 | Delta Online UPS of Rating 6.0 KVA With Battery Of Backup Time 120 Minutes |
1 | M/s JGM ENTERPRISES | 318900.00 | Gem |
167 | GEMC-511687709410020 | 09-10-2020 | DS-772NI-K4/4TB (HIKVISION 32CH KSeries NVR Including 4TB HDD) |
01 | Karan Enterprises Dehradun- (U.K.) | 44519.00 | Gem |
168 | GEMC-511687751741430 | 09-10-2020 | Toshiba 6144 GB SSD Hard disk drive |
02 | Karan Enterprises Dehradun- (U.K.) | 37999.98 | Gem |
169 | GEMC-511687722446806 | 08-09-2020 | Envirotech Respirable Dust PM 2.5 Sampler |
02 | Enviro Tech Instruments Pvt. Ltd., Delhi | 128000.00 | Gem |
170 | GEMC-511687776029277 | 24-05-2019 | Executive Table |
01 | Design Furniture, Ahmedabad, Gujrat | 36000.00 | Gem |
171 | GEMC-511687734876638 | 28-01-2025 | High end Office Table / Desk Furniture Set / Suit |
5 | M/S. AMBA FURNISHERS | 190000 | Gem |
172 | GEMC-511687730445002 | 18-03-2019 | Honda Rotary Lawn Mower |
01 | Lakshmi Sales Corporation, Pathankot, Punjab | 48500.00 | Gem |
173 | 02 | 09-10-2020 | Hp Intel I5 15.6 Inch Laptop (Windows 10 Professional) |
02 | Sun Micro System & Solution Gwalior- (M.P.) | 106998.00 | Gem |
174 | GEMC-511687732701301 | 13-10-2020 | Cona 6A and 16A, 6Pin Socket as per IS:1293/2005 with latest amendments |
200 | ShriBankeBihari Enterprises, Sahibabad- (U.P.) | 12400.00 | Gem |
175 | GEMC-511687797090449 | 09-10-2020 | Exide Technologies 12.0 Volt Lead Acid Battery |
12 | Shweta Enterprises, Allahabad – Uttar Pradesh | 10079.76 | Gem |
176 | Rajender Iron Store | 02-06-2020 | Rajender Iron Store |
00 | Rajender Iron Store | 80761 | Gem |
177 | GEMC-511687768908034 | 19-09-2024 | FINAR Powder Potassium iodide |
1 | R J ENTERPRISE, GUJARAT,362001 | 10349 | Gem |
178 | GEMC-511687788584255 | 05-11-2018 | Godrej 300 L ANS9 |
02 | ECHT Tech Consultancy Services Private Limited, Rohini, Delhi | 63800.00 | Gem |
179 | GEMC-511687733068957 | 05-04-2019 | Plastic Moulded Pallets |
05 | Bhupinder Trading Compony, SCO 169, Chandigarh | 18450.00 | Gem |
180 | GEMC-511687744157049 | 01-11-2018 | ltxlpearmoured 50 sqmm x 3.5 aluminium conductor |
200 meter | Shankar Enterprises Allahabad, U.P. | 44800.00 | Gem |
181 | GEMC-511687785562371 | 07-09-2020 | Petri Plates Or Dishes |
1000 | Biochrom International, East Delhi -Delhi | 10000.00 | Gem |
182 | GEMC-511687750370188 | 18-10-2024 | L & T 125A 4 Pole 36 KA Molded Case Circuit Breakers |
15 | DAKSH ENTERPRISES | 104250 | Gem |
183 | GEMC-511687757559722 | 06-06-2019 | GL HEX Nipple 20MM ISI Marked |
50 | Zento Industries, Jalandhar, Punjab | 2595.00 | Gem |
184 | GEMC-511687732826534 | 16-09-2020 | Cello Water based Ballpoint Pen Refills |
100 | Reguerdon INC, Delhi | 400.00 | Gem |
185 | GEMC-511687754929211 | 27-12-2018 | 308 Litre Frost Free Refrigerator |
01 | Desire Business Enterprises, Ghaziabad, U.P. | 41000.00 | Gem |
186 | GEMC-511687716338349 | 21-02-2019 | Radwag Analytical Balance |
01 | Magnus Enterprises, Shahdara, Delhi | 77900.00 | Gem |
187 | GEMC-511687740564173 | 09-10-2020 | Ewit 6U Rack Enclosures Networking/Server Rack |
04 | Karan Enterprises Dehradun- (U.K.) | 17999.92 | Gem |
188 | GEMC-511687797924638 | 26-07-2019 | Tuff Power 1 kVA |
03 | SM Trade and Agency, Tezpur, Assam | 15284.70 | Gem |
189 | GEMC-511687730999340 (Base Office) | 16-07-2018 | Stablizer 4 kVA Vguard |
04 | Manmeet Enterprises, New Delhi | 12474.00 | Gem |
190 | GEMC-511687759132935 | 29-08-2018 | Shogun-VI |
04 | Methodex Systems Pvt Ltd., Meerut, U.P. | 38196.00 | Gem |
191 | GEMC-511687717240994 | 14-05-2019 | EPSON DS 1630 |
01 | AlpicInfotech, Agra, U.P. | 18849.00 | Gem |
192 | GEMC-511687749312174 | 01-01-2021 | VM V 608 BBB6 |
03 | V. M. Enterprises, Mumbai, Maharashtra | 48600.00 | Gem |
193 | GEMC-511687748110341 | 28-10-2020 | Bittoo 300 Pages, |
50, 30, 50 | N.S. Enterprises, Meerut – (U.P.) | 625059403500 | Gem |
194 | GEMC-51168774390355 | 09-10-2020 | Unbranded Assorted PTZ camera installation and Commissioning Charges |
24 | Karan Enterprises Dehradun- (U.K.) | 24960.00 | Gem |
195 | GEMC-511687739149015 | 05-07-2019 | HP 30A Black Original LaserJet Toner CF230A |
03 | Docket Care System, Lucknow, U.P. | 11487.51 | Gem |
196 | GEMC-511687710784913 | 08-09-2020 | FINAR Potassium Dichromate 0.5 kilogram |
01 | JK Enterprises, East- Delhi | 799.99 | Gem |
197 | GEMC-511687797005080 | 16-09-2020 | Arhant Register No.6 |
30 | Modern Stationery Mart, Meerut, (U.P.) | 2280.00 | Gem |
198 | GEMC-511687752856093 | 05-02-2025 | Ather Energy Electric Scooter L2 with Motor Power (in watts) 4300 |
3 | ATHER ENERGY LIMITED | 371283 | Gem |
199 | GEMC-511687703219756 | 09-10-2020 | Netgear Wan PoE Ethernet Lan Port Router |
05 | Sky World Security Solution, Saharanpur-(U.P.) | 24995.00 | Gem |
200 | GEMC-511687755691550 | 12-04-2019 | HP Cartridge CE278AC |
10 | ROMA Enterprises, Mumbai, Maharashtra | 34210.00 | Gem |
201 | GEMC-511687719930878 | 20-05-2019 | Amaron Quanta 12V26Ah Lead Acid Battery |
16 | Power Technology Support and Service Delhi | 32768.00 | Gem |
202 | GEMC-511687770455920 | 12-11-2024 | BPE Online UPS |
1 | H L INFOTECH | 421990 | Gem |
203 | GEMC-511687787712109 | 09-10-2020 | Unbranded PVC Non braided Flexible Electric Calbe |
1,500 Meter | Sky World Security Solution, Saharanpur-(U.P.) | 23970.00 | Gem |
204 | Bharat Iron Store | 02-06-2020 | Bharat Iron Store |
00 | Bharat Iron Store | 80761 | Gem |
205 | GEMC-511687736363708 | 13-10-2020 | Cona 2.5A and 6A, 5 Pin Socket as per IS:1293/2005 with latest amendments |
300 Meter | OrienIfotel India, Indore – (M.P.) | 8397.00 | Gem |
206 | GEMC-511687759280878 | 18-03-2019 | Chainsaw Cutter |
01 | A A Enterprises, Sultanpur Road, Lucknow, U.P. | 18697.00 | Gem |
207 | GEMC-511687715602347 | 21-12-2018 | Domestic Water Heater – Geyser 25 Liters |
09 | Saahas Industries, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh | 38880.00 | Gem |
208 | GEMC-511687711668188 | 07-09-2020 | 01 | Krishna Enterprises, Gautam Buddha Nagar (U.P.) | 12998.50 | Gem | |
209 | GEMC-511687717928318 | 09-10-2020 | Unbranded Simplex Fiber Optic Patch Cord SC-SC |
16 | Karan Enterprises Dehradun- (U.K.) | 3983.84 | Gem |
210 | GEMC-511687715431755 | 09-10-2020 | Quantam 6 Core Single Mode Fibre Optic Cable for CCTV |
2,000 Meter | Karan Enterprises Dehradun- (U.K.) | 35900.00 | Gem |
211 | GEMC-511687793011390 | 17-12-2024 | MEMMERT over 10 to 14 litre Chamber Capacity Water Baths |
1 | M/S BIONIXS INDIA | 270000.00 | Gem |
212 | GEMC-511687726165462 | 11-08-2020 | Karel Digital Card for Pabx System |
01 | Intellicon Pvt. Ltd. Gujarat | 29723.00 | Gem |
213 | GEMC-511687737524749 | 21-10-2020 | BILT COPY POWER |
500 Paper Ream | Lalshah Ventures Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad - Gujarat | 94000.00 | Gem |
214 | GEMC-511687780987159 | 18-10-2024 | PVC Copper Cable (Heavy Duty) |
2250 | SACHI TRADING COMPANY | 112500 | Gem |
215 | GEMC-511687790650020 | 16-09-2020 | Unbranded Plastic Tape Dispenser, 100 mm |
20 | Ziyan Enterprises, East Delhi- Delhi | 6360.00 | Gem |
216 | GEMC-511687735715096 | 06-11-2024 | Water Baths |
1 | SKYLINE ENTERPRISES | 64353 | Gem |
217 | GEMC-511687794431646 | 05-10-2020 | RASAYAN Borosilicate Glass Size 150 mm |
24 | Holy Scientific, Ahmedabad – Gujrat | 5520.00 | Gem |
218 | GEMC-511687753674412 | 24-05-2019 | HP LaserJet Yellow Print Cartridge 304A CC532AC |
02 | JM Enterprises, Ghaziabad, U.P | 15092.00 | Gem |
219 | GEMC-511687760704901 | 16-09-2020 | Cello Fine Grip Blue |
100 | 3D Enterprises, Delhi | 600.00 | Gem |
220 | GEMC-511687731500873 | 07-09-2020 | Royal Surgical Protective hood cap Single use |
100 | Vijay Kumar Kanpur Nagar- Uttar Pradhesh | 300.00 | Gem |
221 | GEMC-511687766530110 | 15-10-2018 | JK Copier paper |
200 Paper Ream | VHTRVA Gautam Buddha Nagar, U.P. | 32000.00 | Gem |
222 | GEMC-511687718379695 | 04-11-2024 | PROTHERM LED Display K Type Molybdenum Silicide (MoSi2) Muffle Furnace |
1 | M/S BIONIXS INDIA | 969000 | Gem |
223 | GEMC-511687797458605 (Base Office) | 06-07-2018 | Air Conditioner Voltas |
04 | A. S. Global Solutions East Delhi, Delhi | 148000.00 | Gem |
224 | GEMC-511687735363691 | 28-10-2020 | Attendance Register (ATC) |
20 | N.S. Enterprises, Meerut – (U.P.) | 3100.00 | Gem |
225 | GEMC-511687709272726 | 19-09-2024 | ALLEN COOPER Safety Footwear Class |
1 | AZ INFINITY, NEW DELHI | 11220 | Gem |
226 | GEMC-511687725280297 | 19-07-2018 | Exide 12V 7 Ah Powersafe battery with buy back |
24 | JDM Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Meerut | 26573.52 | Gem |
227 | GEMC- 511687746835557 | 20-02-2019 | Keptron Online UPS 1 kVA 120 MTS Backup |
05 | Keptron Electronics Proprietorship, Patparganj village, Delhi | 164050.00 | Gem |
228 | GEMC-511687736307452 | 28-02-2025 | 15 mm Bib Taps conforming to IS:8931;Latest |
10 | A D ENTERPRISES | 10000 | Gem |
229 | GEMC-511687738902313 | 09-07-2019 | Flushing Cistern with Flush Pipe White |
10 | Deepak Enterprises, Indore, Madhya Pradesh | 8110.00 | Gem |
230 | GEMC-511687770697796 | 11-02-2019 | Syska Best Quality LED Glass Tubelight – 20 W |
1000 | Syska LED Lights private Limited, Pune, Maharashta | 177000.00 | Gem |
231 | GEMC-511687756169892 | 07-10-2024 | AERATED STATIC BED REACTOR AND PRE MIXER |
1 | ANGELS INSTRUMENTS | 708000 | Gem |
232 | GEMC-511687713748017 | 30-09-2020 | HP 88A Black Original Laser Jet Toner Cartridge Class OEM |
25 | Ayushi Enterprises, Ghaziabad- Uttar Pradesh | 89950.00 | Gem |
233 | CPPRI/Pur/17/IC&PP/EQPT/16-17 | 06-03-2018 | Supply of Particle Charge Dedctor Analyzer |
N/A | EMTEC Electronics | 1091499.6 | Tender |
234 | CPPRI/Pur/49/Equipt/CR/17-18 | 31-03-2019 | Pur. Of Screen for Depithing Plant |
N/A | Pur. Of Screen for Depithing Plant | 518400.00 | Tender |
235 | CPPRI/Pur/14/EMD/Equipt/18-19 | 28-02-2019 | Pur. of Various Equipment |
N/A | Ecotech Instrument | 264969 | Tender |
236 | CPPRI/Pur/32/IC&Wet/Eqpt/16-17 | 06-03-2018 | Supply of Automated Sheet Former |
01 | Xell GmbH | 1913368.32 | Tender |
237 | CPPRI/EMD/Development of App. 2019-20/720 | 17-06-2020 | Design & Development Mobil Application |
N/A | Netprophets Cyberworks Pvt Ltd. (NIC empaneled Vendor) | 892080 | Tender |
238 | CPPRI/Pur/48/Biotech/Eqpt/2019-20/865 | 22-12-2020 | Gas Chromatograph |
01 | M/s Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd | 23600 (USD) | Tender |
239 | Design & Development Autmation software | 13-04-2020 | Design & Development Automation Software |
N/A | Netprophets Cyberworks Pvt Ltd. (NIC empaneled Vendor) | 2149370 | Tender |
240 | CPPRI/Pur/62/PT/Eqpt./18-19/1409 | 07-09-2020 | Digital Surface Roughness Tester (Bendtsen Type) Model - 264 |
01 | M/a ABB AB / Lorentzen | 14625 (Euro) | Tender |
241 | CPPRI/Pur/58/PT/Eqpt/19-20 | 12-03-2020 | Stifness Tester |
01 | Saharanpur Testing Instruments Pvt. Ltd. | 76700 | Tender |
242 | CPPRI/Pur/50/SPPM/Eqpt./19-20/1230 | 25-11-2020 | Pulp Disintigrator Equipment |
01 | Saharanpur Testing Instruments Pvt. Ltd. | 76700 | Tender |
243 | CPPRI/Pur/26/Biotech/Eqpt/2019-20/700 | 29-10-2020 | Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) |
01 | M/s AJ Instruments India Pvt Ltd. | 35321 (Euro) | Tender |
244 | CPPRI/Estate/Ren Lab/7/18-19 | 03-06-2019 | MAINTENANCE WORK IN PAPER TESTING LABORATORY |
N/A | Tapesh Mamgain | 543562 | Tender |
245 | CPPRI/Pur/3/PCPB/Ind items/17-18 | 06-09-2018 | Supply of Elec. Weight Balance |
01 | Varun Sales | 152320 | Tender |
246 | CPPRI/Pur/63/PT/Eqpt./2018-19/1408 | 07-09-2020 | Digital Burst Strength Tester (Mullen Type) Model -180 |
01 | M/a ABB AB / Lorentzen | 23005 (Euro) | Tender |
247 | CPPRI/Pur/31/EMD/Equpt/16-17 | 02-07-2018 | Pur. Of Coulomeatric Analyzer |
01 | Analytikjena | 1914498.96 | Tender |
248 | CPPRI/Pur/33/IC&wet Lab/EQPT/16-17 | 28-02-2018 | Supply of PFI Mill |
01 | Xell GmbH | 3350409.5 | Tender |
249 | CPPRI/P/M/Horti/28 | 19-09-2018 | Pur. of Fabrication of Composter |
N/A | Sh. Hari Narayan Industries | 487200 | Tender |