Organisation and Function
S. No | Item | Disclosure Details |
1 | Organisation and Function | |
1.1 | Particulars of Organisation, Functions and Duties [Section 4(1)(b)(i)] | |
1.1.1 | Name and Address of the Organization |
Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute, Paper Mill Road, Himmat Nagar, Saharanpur-247001 (UP) India Website : |
1.1.2 | Head of the organization |
Dr. L.P.Singh |
1.1.3 | Vision, Mission and Key Objectives |
Vision: To Develop Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute (CPPRI) as a centre of excellence to provide high quality Science & Technology (S&T) based services & solutions to make Indian P & P Industry globally competitive. Mission: In Pursuit of cleaner production, resource conservation and quality excellence in Pulp & Paper Industry. Key Objective:
1.1.4 | Functions and Duties |
1.1.5 | Organization Chart | Please Click here to view Organization chart |
1.1.6 | Any other details-the genesis, inception, formation of the department and the HoDs from time to time as well as the committees/ Commissions consulted from time to time have been dealt |
Grievance cell
Format - pdf Size - (313KB) Language - English Internal complaint committee(ICC) Format - pdf Size - (406KB) Language - English Vigilance cell |
1.2 | Power and Duties of its Officers and Employees [Section 4(1) (b)(ii)] | |
1.2.1 | Powers and Duties of Officers (administrative, financial and judicial) |
Please click here to view Powers and Duties of Officers
Format - pdf Size - (269KB) Language - English |
1.2.2 | Power and Duties of other Employees | As per rule |
1.2.3 | Rules/ orders under which powers and duty are derived and | As per Government of India Rules enforced from time to time. |
1.2.4 | Exercised | As per Government of India Rules enforced from time to time |
1.2.5 | Work allocation | Work is allocated by the Competent Authority from time to time as per requirement |
1.3 | Procedure followed in decision-making process [Section 4(1)(b)(iii)] | |
1.3.1 | Process of decision making Identify key decision-making points |
Administration: Director –Admin.Officer Finance&Accounts: Director-Head(F&A)-Section Officer(F&A) Scientific: Director-Head of the Department- Scientist |
1.3.2 | Final decision-making authority | Director |
1.3.3 | Related provisions, acts, rules etc. | Memorandum of Articles, RF/SR, GFR, Recruitment Rules etc. |
1.3.4 | Time limit for taking decisions, if any | As per rule and requirement |
1.3.5 | Channel of supervision and accountability | As per hierarchy available in the Rule |
1.4 | Norms for Discharge of Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)] | |
1.4.1 | Nature of functions/ services offered | Basic Research, Applied Research, Consultancy, Testing, Sponsored Projects, Training etc |
1.4.2 | Norms/ standards for functions/ service delivery | BIS/ISO/APHA etc |
1.4.3 | Process by which these services can be accessed | Website, email, telephone, correspondence, personal contact etc |
1.4.4 | Time-limit for achieving the targets | As per rule and requirement. |
1.4.5 | Process of redressal of grievances | As per terms and conditions of agreement between Institute and the Client |
1.5 | Rules, Regulations, Instructions Manual and Records for Discharging Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(v)] | |
1.5.1 | Title and nature of the record/ manual /instruction |
Please click on the following link
1.5.2 | List of Rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records. | Quality manual is available at Quality Management Cell of CPPRI |
1.5.3 | Acts/ Rules manuals etc. |
Society act
Format - pdf Size - (42.1KB) Language - English |
1.5.4 | Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders | There is no transfer policy in the Institute. Internal Transfer is done as per functional requirement arising from time to time in various sections. |
1.6 | Categories of Documents held by the Authority under its Control [Section 4(1)(b) (vi)] | |
1.6.1 | Categories of documents |
Society act
Format - pdf Size - (42.1KB) Language - English GST Registration Format - pdf Size - (94.9KB) Language - English PAN Card Format - pdf Size - (71.3KB) Language - English MoU |
1.6.2 | Custodian of documents / categories | Director Secretariat and respective Head of the Departments |
1.7 | Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority [Section 4(1)(b)(viii)] | |
1.7.1 | Name of Boards, Council, Committee etc. |
1.7.2 | Composition | Please refer Management chapter for more details |
1.7.3 | Dates from which constituted | Please refer Management chapter for more details |
1.7.4 | Term / Tenure | Please refer Management chapter for more details |
1.7.5 | Powers and Functions | All the powers are vested with Council of Association of CPPRI (CoA) which is presently having 18 members. Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is constituted to approve and monitor the research projects of the Institute. |
1.7.6 | Whether their meetings are open to the public? | No |
1.7.7 | Whether the minutes of the meetings are open to the public? | No |
1.7.8 | Place where the minutes if open to the public are available? | Director Secretariat |
1.8 | Directory of Officers and Employees [Section 4(1) (b) (ix)] | |
1.8.1 | Name and designation | Please click here to see the Directory of Officers and Employees |
1.8.2 | Telephone, fax and email | Please click on the above link |
1.9 | Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees including system of compensation [Section 4(1) (b) (x)] | |
1.9.1 | List of employees with Gross monthly remuneration |
Please click here to see the details
Format - pdf Size - (2039KB) Language - English |
1.9.2 | System of compensation as provided in its regulations | As per rule |
1.10 | Name, Designation and other particulars of Public Information Officers [Section 4(1) (b) (xvi)] | |
1.10.1 |
Name and designation of the Central Public Information
Officer (CPIO), Assistant
Public Information Officer (APIO) and Appellate Authority |
Dr. A.K.Dixit Scientist F, FAA Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute P.B.No. 174, Paper Mill Road, Himmat Nagar Saharanpur-247 001 Tel.: (0132) 2714053 Fax (0132) 2714052 Mr. Alok Kumar Goel Scientist-E II Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute P.B.No. 174, Paper Mill Road, Himmat Nagar Saharanpur-247 001 Tel.: (0132) 2714053 Fax (0132) 2714052 Email: goel[dot]alok[at]cppri[dot]res[dot]in |
1.10.2 | Address, telephone numbers and email of each designated official | Please see the information explained under point number 1.10.1 |
1.11 | No. of employees against whom Disciplinary Action has been proposed / taken [Section 4(2)] | |
1.11.1 | No. of employees against whom disciplinary action has been (i) Pending for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings | Nil |
1.11.2 | (ii) Finalised for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings | Nil |
1.12 | Programmes to Advance Understanding of RTI [Section 26] | |
1.12.1 | Educational Programmes | Nil |
1.12.2 | Efforts to encourage public authority to participate in these programmes | Nil |
1.12.3 | Training of CPIO/APIO | FAA and PIO attended 3 days training programme on “Right to Information Act for CPIO and Appellate authorities” from 8 January – 10 January, 2024 at Hotel Corbett The Grand , Jim Corbett |
1.12.4 | Update & publish guidelines on RTI by the Public Authorities concerned | Please click here |
1.13 | Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders [F No. 1/6/2011- IR Dt. 15.4.2013] | Here is no transfer policy in the Institute. Internal Transfer is done as per functional requirement arising from time to time in various sections. |
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